Growing clinical mosaic shows effects of collagen peptides on healthy aging and mobility
Healthy living has become a significant topic for today’s aging society. Indeed, maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle when getting older or after recovering from an injury can be difficult*.
But collagen peptides can help. Lifestyle-focused physician Jerk W. Langer shares his observations on collagen peptides, as gathered from his work with clients and patients. He explores how collagen peptides can be incorporated into a healthy diet to promote an active lifestyle.

Q: Maintaining an active lifestyle is a significant concern in our aging society. What kind of health issues can you observe among your patients?

Jerk W. Langer: Unfortunately, so many people have pain and mobility issues stemming from ailments in joints and tendons, overexertion injuries, inflammatory joint diseases, among other conditions, along with the wear and tear of becoming older. A recent survey** from the National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark, found that among 30,000 people questioned, one in three had joint or muscle pain several times a week during the observation period, and one in twenty felt that their working capacity was partly compromised due to pain.
Q: When it comes to healthy aging, what role do collagen peptides play?
Jerk: Most people want to preserve their good health so they can continue an active lifestyle as the years go by. But collagen levels in many tissues drop as we age, so it makes sense to optimize our collagen levels proactively, enabling us to continue to move effortlessly and keep up with an exercise regime. In recent years, I have witnessed a growing interest in collagen peptides as a personalized nutritional solution among my patients and clients. A bonus is that collagen peptides also support beauty from within, like for the appearance of skin and hair.
Q: In what cases do you recommend supplementing with collagen peptides?
Jerk: I often recommend trying collagen peptides supplementation with the aim to increase over time the robustness of the body, to optimize sports performance and for post-training recovery. Paradoxically, exercise-related injuries have created an epidemic, fueled by the reopening of society in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. So, keeping the body strong is a key issue and a major reason for my focus in recommending collagen peptide supplementation combined with dietary and other lifestyle adjustments.

Q: Can you give us an example of such a case?
Jerk: A 20-year-old male, an elite tennis player, complained of overuse injuries in his wrist preventing him from playing. While writing my book on collagen, I was inspired by a set of interesting clinical studies***. These studies reported effects of collagen peptides on training-related joint discomfort and pain and acceleration of recovery in otherwise healthy active people. So, I advised the young man to supplement with collagen peptides daily along with his already healthy diet. After three months, he did not have any wrist complaints. But he was young and on his own, so he stopped taking collagen three months later, without my knowledge, and eventually the wrist pain returned. Now he has chosen to start up collagen supplementation once again.
Q: What should people consider before starting to supplement with collagen peptides?

Jerk: Both the public and individuals deserve information about collagen peptides supplementation that is based on science and sound clinical experience. In the clinical setting – face-to-face with the patient – I emphasize that besides collagen peptides supplementation, one should explore the synergistic effects of a healthy diet, weight control, strength exercises, good sleep quality and other healthy lifestyle choices. I stress that collagen peptides should be considered a beneficial and promising add-on to an otherwise healthy diet. Facts must be separated from hype.
And I encourage people to exercise some caution, seeking accurate nutritional information from reliable sources and not just following less-substantiated advice from social media influencers and bloggers. In my view, collagen peptides supplementation holds so many exciting prospects. The mosaic of clinical evidence is convincing and growing.
Jerk W. Langer, MD, is a lifestyle-focused physician, public speaker and science communicator, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is the author of several books on collagen as well as anti-inflammatory diets, issued in several countries. Jerk makes frequent appearances as an expert on Danish national television, radio shows, podcasts and news media, commenting on nutrition, exercise, health and diseases.
Additionally, he is a lecturer at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences of the University of Copenhagen as well as in postgraduate education programs for medical doctors. Jerk also is a member of several advisory boards and expert committees. He himself has completed more than 400 marathons.
*** Set of clinical studies:
- Vitamin C-enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis. Shaw et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2017;105(1):136-143
- 24-Week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain. Clark KL et al. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2008,24,5,1485-96
- The effects of collagen peptides on muscle damage, inflammation and bone turnover following exercise: a randomized, controlled trial. Clifford T et al. Amino Acids 2019;51:691